Thursday, July 9, 2009

Making it Work at Work

Unfortunately, the university at which I work does not support recycling on satellite campuses. Never-mind the fact that there are four, large buildings on my campus, and that they're building an even bigger one right next to us. They just don't want to put recycling bins behind one of the buildings (that's what the administrator of my building told me). So I bring home cardboard boxes that I had food in. I also bring home small cardboard boxes from work, such as those binder clips come in. And it all goes in my recycling bins at home.

I also try to print everything double sided to save paper. This also save space in my filing cabinets and save the institute money on paper. When I can't print double sided, I use the back of the paper to make notes or to do calculations before I throw it out. (You can see it in the picture under the light on the right.) I've got a lot more waste paper than I have notes to make, so I bring it home sometimes to use as scratch paper. Jeff does the same.

I used to take bottled water to work, because the tap water in San Antonio is the nastiest I've ever encountered. There's sediment if you let your cup sit for awhile! I was bringing those bottles home to recycle, but about a two years ago, I started just getting water out of the cooler. It's on the other side of the building, but the walk is good for me. I'm also not contributing to the processes required to bottle water, get it too me, and recycle that bottle.

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