Thursday, August 13, 2009

Seeing the Light

We've done several little things over the last week:

1) Bought energy saving light bulbs. They were on sale with a coupon for $4 off of a 2-pack, which made them 50 cents each. Now we just need to start switching them in for the incandescent bulbs.

2) Unpluging our cell phone chargers when not in use. Apparently these things draw power even when the phone isn't plugged in. I'm not sure how they do that, because I didn't think it was a closed circuit, but anyway... We're also unplugging the Dust Buster when not charging. I only use it about once a week, so not only is it drawing power to recharge a battery that's not empty, but it's also running through charge cycles on the battery, which will shorten its life.

3) I signed up for Catalog Choice. On your behalf, they contact companies that send you catalogs and request that they stop. My address has been sold (grrr), and so I was able to stop four catalogs that I don't want, and reduce the number of times per year I receive some that I do want.

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